Mixed Media Moon Chime

Today I’ve created a Mixed Media home decor piece inspired by two challenges. I was invited by Mixed Media Academy to guest design for their August Challenge. The challenge is to create something inspired by the colour palette and a Zodiac Sign.

I combined this with the Nomadic Soul Diaries August Challenge.

NSD August

Here’s my project: Inspired by MMA- The colour palette works for me very well because these are my go-to colours. I’ve used a crescent moon idea and created my interpretation of the universe. I believe my purpose is to heal, inspire and spread light. The Virgo Symbol is of a maiden carrying s shaft of wheat. In my interpretation, I’ve used it as a fairy carrying this light to illuminate the world. I’ve also depicted the universe from the Moon’s perspective, which means space seems white and the moon and stars have the colour:)! This to me is a metaphorical representation of how others perspective and point of view is so important for me. The phrases I’ve used are lines from a poem that I’ve written and talked about this idea. 

NSD- I’ve created a home decor hanging, used crystals and as for mosaic I’ve interpreted it as assorted patterns that make a whole and used a stencil and mandala to represent it.


Here’s a tutorial:


Some close-ups:




Mark Making and Texture for StencilGirl®

This month, the theme at StencilGirl® Blog is  ‘Texture it or Make Marks On It’. As mixed media artists, we love doing both of these. We find solace and creative freedom in this form of art.
Today we decided to play in our journal with minimal supplies, create marks and textures on our page, but keep our layers flat. Which means, no foam tape, no added embellishments, just luscious and vibrant layers.
Here’s a look at what we accomplished:
Here are some close-ups:




We’ve used the following stencils: